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"Be your own inspiration. Inspire the world by your styles and nobody can comment you,  except you. "


Since ever I remember I know that I have that craze towards clothing, styling, I am very crazy for online shopping, whole day I scroll my phone to buy something interesting.

          Although sometimes I couldn’t find much interesting and sometimes particular designs were out of budget then always try to make my outfit attractive, low cost and while I was in college my friends used to tell me you are good in fashion. I was afraid to make any move or step, because of my height, my skin colour (scars), how will people think if I start my fashion blog. Now when I stopped thinking about everything felt like I can start anything which I want, and I know so many people out there either they will love your style and you or not. This is how I built my confidence and took step in fashion blogging one thing I realize so far “it’s only you, you’ve that immense beauty if you think, and confidence.” I hope this journey will inspire you all beautiful beauties out there.

           I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to found vrushfashion back in 2020. Since then, the blog has been thriving, and has quickly gained a loyal following. I invite you to explore my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.



                           You can catch my newest outfits, reviews and perspective banter right here, see what I got up to                                                                                                                    today  on InstagramFacebookTwitterPinterest.

                 For advertisements, marketing opportunities, product reviews and private consultancies you can get in                                                                                                                touch at








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